Workshops and Seminars

New classes added all the time.


New classes added all the time. 〰️

Tragedy Plus Time

Tragedy plus time equals comedy, and in this three-hour seminar on "traumedy" we'll do that: turn your tragedies into comedies (or at least more entertaining tragedies) using time and many more devices.

June 2nd (Sunday)

2-5pm ET


Two-Day Intensive: Funny Personal Essays

In two days we’ll figure out how to turn an anecdote into an essay that’s funny and publishable.

June 8th & 9th (Saturday & Sunday)

9am-12pm MDT



Hysterical: A Voice-Finding Seminar

In this once-in-a-lifetime seminar, we’ll cover every element of style and how you can use each one to sound like you in writing.

June 8th (Saturday)

4-6pm MDT

In person, at Lighthouse Writers Workshop

How to Publish a Tragicomic Memoir: A Craft Talk

Writing and publishing are two different jobs, and in this life-changing craft talk, we’ll focus on the latter. There will be real-talk about queries, proposals, blurbs, platform, and how landing an agent and an editor is like dating. What should you ask/tell yourself before/during/after publishing your work to acclaim or silence? I’ll tell all.

July 8 (Monday)



This could be you/us. Learn to weaponize comedy in my very good writing workshops, seminars, and prayer circles.

This photo was taken moments before we made a
human centipede.